
「七夕飾り」 @ 4season

「七夕飾り」 @ 4season

「七夕飾り」 @ 4season

☆.。.:*‥° ☆.。.:*‥°☆

4season さんの「七夕飾り」を見に行ってきました。(^O^)/

日本の七夕祭りは、新暦7月7日や、その前後の時期に開催されている。 ( Wikipedia )

Tanabata (七夕, Shichiseki, Tanakiki) is one of the Sekku or seasonal festivals in Asian countries such as China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. It is also one of the five seasonal festivals. It is also called Hoshi Matsuri (star festival).
(In Japan, it used to be an annual event associated with Obon (around July 15 on the lunar calendar), but since the Meiji calendar reform (introduction of the Gregorian calendar in Japan), Obon has been held mainly around August 15 on the lunar calendar, which is a month later than the new calendar, and the association has faded. Since the Meiji Reform of the calendar (introduction of the Gregorian calendar in Japan), Obon has been held mainly on or around August 15, which is later in the new calendar month.
The Tanabata Festival in Japan is held on or around July 7 of the new calendar. ( Wikipedia )

「七夕飾り」 @ 4season

「七夕飾り」 @ 4season

「七夕飾り」 @ 4season

「七夕飾り」 @ 4season

「七夕飾り」 @ 4season


* 「ヤナの世界」 ・フォトラバテーマ。ヤナの生活
https://tec29.com/ptb_topic.php?tp_id=386 *

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